100x100x500mm Beam Mould
- Cast Iron construction
- Easy to use and clean.
- Sizes Available:
100 x 100 x 500 mm - Meets the requirement of IS
150x150x700mm Beam Mould
- Cast Iron construction
- Easy to use and clean.
- Sizes Available: 150 x 150 x 700 mm
- Weight available:
28 kg (light design)
42 kg (heavy design) - Meets the requirement ofBS 1881 PART 109, EN 12390-1
Export Sizes Beam Mould
- Cast Iron construction
- Easy to use and clean.
- Sizes Available:
150 x 150 x 500 mm
150 x 150 x 600 mm
150 x 150 x 750 mm - Meets the requirement of
BS 1881 PART 109, EN 12390-1